Do you want to finally prove once and for all your prediction prowess? Are you afraid that your prognostications will go unheard despite being astonishingly accurate?
Well why not take your hand at picking a team for the first ever Crokinole Fantasy Pool?
The rules are simple:
1. Pick the best 8 player team consisting of 2 players from Group A, 2 players from Group B, 2 from Group C, and 2 from Group D.
2. The higher up your players finish, the more points your team earns.
3. Whoever has the team with the most points will win the coveted title of Crokinole Fantasy Champion, and bragging rights until their title is challenged next year.
The separation into 4 different groups is designed to spread out the talent, so the winning team will require a strong showing from many different players, who outperform their expectations.
I initially thought about drafting the groups subjectively by my own choosing, but then thought it should probably have some objective basis. As such, the groups are determined based on the current CrokinoleCentre Rankings.
Group A |
Group B |
Group C |
Group D |
(The top 6 CrokinoleCentre Ranked players.) |
(Rankings from 7-20) |
(Rankings from 21-40) |
You may pick any player not listed in Groups A, B, or C. |
Justin Slater |
Jason Beierling |
Ron Reesor |
Brian Henry |
Ray Beierling |
Matt Brown |
Brian Simpson |
Kyle Vaillancourt |
Nathan Walsh |
Roy Campbell |
Reuben Jong |
Rob Mader |
Fred Slater |
Tom Johnston |
Ab Leitch |
Ed Ripley |
Brian Cook |
Clare Kuepfer |
Alex Protas |
Barry Kiggins |
Jon Conrad |
Eric Miltenburg |
Chris Gorsline |
Ralph Hargrave |
John Harvey |
Dale Henry |
Abijah Jong |
Dave Brown |
Tony Snyder |
Kevin Bechtel |
Rex Johnston |
Peter Carter |
Raymond Kappes |
Howard Martin |
Cathy Kuepfer |
Bob Mader |
Robert Bonnett |
Paul Brubacher |
Jeremy Gunn |
Roger Vaillancourt |
Gloria Walsh |
Beverly Vaillancourt |
Peter Tarle |
Ray Haymes |
John Lichty |
Louis Gauthier |
Jody Good |
Kevin Brooks |
Nathan Jongsma |
Bob Jones |
Linda Irvine |
Curt Currie |
Quin Erzinger |
Ewen MacPhail |
Ron Haymes |
Richard Guptill |
Adrian Conradi |
Daryl MacDonald |
Michael Hughes |
David Younker |
This is where a little inside information can make the difference. If you know of a real ringer coming in, or you want to take a chance, then select that player for your team.
As an example team, for the 2014 World Championships, the ideal team would have included
Group A - Brian Cook (1st) and Justin Slater (2nd)
Group B - Matt Brown (4th) and John Harvey (7th)
Group C - Ray Haymes (13th) and Tony Snyder (15th)
Group D - Ezra Yantzi (10th) and Kevin Bechtel (14th)
This would have met all conditions for player choices (2 from each group) and put all 8 players in the top 15. Notice the choice of Ezra Jantzi would have been an “off the board” pick as he is not listed in Group D.
Points will be awarded to each member of a team as follows:
1st - 100
2nd - 90
3rd - 85
4th - 80
5th-8th - 70
9th-12th - 65
13th-16th - 60
17th-20th - 50
21st-25th - 45
26th-30th - 40
31st-35th - 35
36th-40th - 30
41st-45th - 25
46th-50th - 20
51st-60th - 15
61st-70th - 10
>71st - 5
The ideal 2014 team would have earned:
100 (Cook) + 90 (Slater) + 80 (Brown) + 70 (Harvey) + 65 (Yantzi) + 60 (Haymes) + 60 (Bechtel) + 60 (Snyder) = 585 points
Enter your team roster with a comment below. Entries will be accepted until 1:30pm EST on June 6th, 2015.
Entries can be made in the comments of the NING Website, or on CrokinoleCentre.
Good luck and have fun!
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